Sph020 Nutritional Ketosis Ll20170320

Provide Small Actionable Tips to help build changed habits in your life. I know everything isn’t going to be for everyone but I do hope you can uncover something that will move you forward in your health and fitness journey.

2017, Small Primal Habits
SPH Show


[0:12] People on the phone.
Florida today it's going to give like a short 5-10 minute overview of what nutritional ketosis even is just a concept the stage get everybody kind of thinking.
Through that and then we're going to do with the round table round tables where the meat is going to be the first ten minutes just to cause I set the stage and then I will open up for questions and answers and then I'll take that right now,
Ketosis just high-level is a state where your body Burns ketones as a fuel so if you think about the three main micronutrients you got.
Jeff said he got carbs in you got protein ketones as just another form of.
So what that means is your body just stays and what you'll hear sometimes termed Loosely a fat burning.
You by your station Pat Green.
The waves measured it slightly differently think about grams of look at labels you never see ketones ketones are never on my phone's nutritional labels.
In there it's because they're completely different they're rated by molars and.
Get into much detail because I'll be criticized for that just go ahead and say that when your body starts to go in.
The best way to describe it is a starvation mode,
produces ketones and that basically is why you can live a lot longer without food than you can without water soon as your body produces ketones in your bio burn those as a fuel source.

[1:49] You're such a quick graph it just kind of telling you that the sweet spot for blood Ketone to somewhere between.
I want and a half to three and then way over on the far side as a true called ketoacidosis.
Magic that's actually the negative part if you ever have a show me who's diabetic and they.
They automatically assume negative things about ketosis that's because what they're concerned about is Ketone acidosis which a healthy person doesn't really work.
Magic sets the stage.
In the biggest leaver or control that you have in your diet to put you in cute into ketosis is carbs.
If you think about carbs as your daily allowance those grams are on Old nutritional labels that would be on the left side and then on the right side would be like where your body is in fat burning mode.
The basic thing it is somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 grams to ensure that your body stays in ketosis you move up that to a hundred and fifty economy be where I work.
And where I live a little bit more maintenance mode so I probably don't drop in the ketosis much,
so I'm here there's more about that and then all the way you're guaranteed not to be in ketosis because,
no matter what you have over 250 grams of carbs should say no matter what I mean technically if you're running a marathon maybe you could but the point is is that your body will not go into ketosis at all.

[3:22] If you are kind of a strong man look up.
If you were going to break your micronutrients up to stay ketosis you would be operating and somewhere in the neighborhood of $0.62 5% fat.
Protein would be between 15 and 30 and carbs should be some more an ounce in five to 10 so this is exactly opposite the standard American diet.
So with that you have a panel discussion where was going to talk through a different state and we have two experts here to tell us about their journey and ketosis the first yourself in.

[4:07] How many Leaf Austin and I work for Brett day.
And I just kind of Russian with John because he's been working closely with our team and.
And the time talking about things that he told me about this activate session now.

[4:26] So you're kind of new to I am very name of one session underwater I don't.
I try not to go by cycle and then one round two round because then I get into that mindset where I have to hit a specific goal by specific time but my first.
Round white 319 this year and I did a full 30 days and I followed as closely as possible and I got 27 pounds into pants I just 30 days so.
I felt a lot better I mean they did a lot of reading along with that take time to understand with a client was behind it in.
It wasn't a bunch of you know trying to sell you things and.
You have to think differently because I was always on that that the cycle of the higher protein the modern Shield fat.
If I started my nothing my bad intake I did feel a lot clearer in my mind I felt better and I didn't feel like I had to eat as much you know I eat my free meals a day sometimes I don't.
Fantastic into a little more that in detail and little beds but I introduce yourself and how long have you been on.
Am I showing him and I want her to want to Montgomery and I'm sorry I have actually been in constant ketosis.

[5:57] I test my blood ketones on a regular basis and I am in the Optimal Health.
Generally between 1.5 and 2.3 um and um.
Explain how you can certainly feel there are three different ways you can test test ketones.
Generally what is generally the most common that they use to see if they have any ketone.
I'm in it for me if this accurately what is spilling over into giving him so it doesn't give you a really good picture of what's going on so so elaborate your body Burns.
Your first they don't show up that's why it's not accurate,
yeah so it's really after the first week or two that you're doing it but beyond that when your body actually becomes bad adapt and it's using the key tones for work mean if you want your not,
the other two ways our breath and a blood so they have come out with a brush.
Heaters that is very similar to what you know when you're.

[7:21] How to please an apparently it also register so if you do go into ketosis and you get stopped.
Probably stop that cuz it will register.
I do blood test because anybody who knows me knows I'm a freak about things and I have to know exactly what's going on so I do test my blood I'm at least once a week and I do that because it.

[7:48] Fantastic soap thank you Denise um you said that you did some research why did you pick you said he followed us 30 day plan.
Go that direction into.
I can I get that step by step he said he does research well I mean I do need a plan to get started because this was new for me and I didn't know exactly what I needed to do and I feel more comfortable if I have,
show me show.
Root.com that one I'm glad that that was the first one that I found because out of all the different ones I've been researching that is by far been the best special if you're starting out.
Ruled me rul are you eating me.com.
FML get the link just just just as weird as everything we talked about today I'll try to get to you later I'll put them into a connections post about this it's a great website navigation and then give you a free 30-day.
Landfall but then of course they've got all up accelerated plants that you can buy from there but yeah that was a very good one to get started with.
Did you look at any other diet or lifestyle strategies before you pick ketosis.

[9:07] Music class to turn it all back on yeah but you know I just thought I kept seeing you.
No advertisements and things come up on my Facebook page because you know it's following ideal lean and all these other different programs and.
I'm like okay I tried everything else what is this I've never heard of it before that's kind of what we started from on Facebook.
Did you say you found it pretty strictly.
I didn't tell Friday yes I did it for a full year you have to be pretty strict I am very stressed.
I do not eat anything processed if it was created in a lab I do not consume in at all.
I make almost all the information where you make your own chocolate.
Yeah I do not.
Anything that if I can't pronounce it I'm definitely not even.
So obviously that would be being that strict you have lots of Temptations do you find it to your tents it a lot to me on the way walk here I think I walk by Donuts twice.
You would be very shocked because once you stop eating it the confession of come on.
The first few weeks is hard because your brain still telling you that those are the things that you want to eat um and the addiction is still there but once you break that and you get away from the carbs you.

[10:41] In fact the smell of those kind of things make me nauseous.
Would you say that you said that it was kind of an addiction about how long Personal Image varies per person behind it take you to can I kick that is an addiction I would say probably 2 to 3 weeks I will.
When I say to the three because it was just one day I was sitting there and I thought I don't remember doing this for a few days and I don't remember having this feeling so about 2 to 3 weeks to come.
So somebody did you ever kick it.
Oh yeah she's right isn't it took about 2 to 3 weeks and you don't crave it anymore but I am the type of person that food in general is an addiction for me so even if I allow myself a little bit of freedom.
I know I will go rolling downhill having a card over me if I have my yeah exactly so you know it has been.
What two whole months before I allow myself at Freedom on Friday and.
Nothing tastes as good as you feel then after that like the day after early did you feel like you really I was I was pretty groggy because.
Yeah yeah.

[12:05] We are coming up on your belly don't eat that stuff for a long time.
Don't forget to get all the baking you want this recently so you,
you had that one thing but you got right back on the wagon so they let you wear your first steps in getting them to do that you got your plan did you do like Mass prepper,
yeah I pray every Sunday,
so I just plan on my meals go to store and have to deal with it during the week so you can pre-plan don't do that you're smiling because she read yes we must do the same thing.
You do the same thing like once a week thing I cook all my meals on Sunday I do some prep I'll give you that but all my meals but.
So if we just kind of switch gears sounds like maybe a challenge like this is of the 30 day challenge going to help you kind of have a word defined like challenges.
Don't matter for you I liked it to get started and I'm going to return back to that to get back on track I don't do 31 wedding show.
Dive into the Pizza Den.
Because I feel good so good so if I do another 30 I mean white and that you have to be ready to say this is just so I'm going to be and how I'm going to eat first.

[13:31] Long-term crush you like whatever I even got an appointment and you might do the same thing on my baking is sugar free.
Groundhogs all right now you know which flowers all almond flour coconut flour.
Would you say that that was your biggest the baking stuff and you can Salt Lake Utah,
you got a big Baker before this because I didn't want to get all that sugar and I might have gotten all those things to their Two Sugars and other areas but I never took the time to really because I didn't wanted.
Because like an alcoholic one going to go bar.
Learning how to bake using the other ingredients for the better for you don't feel bad when you have a treat at night you know we speak.
Archery tag and make cookies for everybody in the phone sounds like you Cookie after you're done so that's fantastic so would you say your biggest challenge was this When You're Sober biggest challenge,
changing a mindset and eating that much fat does you overcome that because if you were going to let say.

[14:48] Memphis be honest the mindset right now is low-fat we still even see it all over ever tiesman all this and you have to turn around and have a hundred extra grams of fat that you normally don't have.
I actually started in this this is going to sound crazy to most of you but I actually started by putting coconut oil and butter in my coffee every morning.
And I eliminated any cream or anything at substitute butter and coconut oil really was just because I had heard so many health benefits from it.
Having the bad and then once I realized I wasn't and I was actually feeling better and my skin with better my hair was better.
Okay I can really do that would you.
Is that like a stair step for you it was for me because again I mean I was overweight my entire life and everybody get out and stay away from.
The fastest is bad so it was that one for me with the heart.
Do you get look still at Family occasions when you take the vegetables out of the family thing and put Bill hunka butter on it.
Restaurant in Africa cup of butter or butter alright so um.
Sounds like you got a few tricks like that go to a restaurant ask for extra butter if you have any other tricks up your sleeve that you found the.
Yeah so I'll save my bacon grease I make bacon ever pounds a week obviously to come.

[16:27] Well I do not like bacon my husband does but I save the bacon grease and I use that to fry brussel sprouts in or I put it in green beans.
People love the taste of bacon for the quick and easy way to get the fax in there.

[16:51] 6 things that you know one of the things I had to do to get past the mental block of no extra fat as I can tell myself.
Fat-free french fries in pounds or anything like that it's the avocado guacamole with sour cream that. Plain yogurt whatever you know I do the same thing and the butter in the morning.
Chevy faster Goodfellas Trail Tempe quick she did huh.
Either you want you guys to use in TC oil switch could you not but I do want to have conversation don't do any processed so if you can see their bras.
For those flus you guys ever since you asked me um MTC Oil is is basically a divot above.
Coconut so it's it's it's it's more refined and has less of the coke 9 today.

[17:49] Um either one either one yet it sounds like cuz you guys are both kind of hinted at this I just want to drive this point home.
You can both mention mental clarity.
How long can you first cities how long did it take you to Caillou East mention that you like fell off a little bit better early on at home that take her.
Describe a tyrannical a hard I thought I would say probably went along with that hold two to three weeks getting all that Sugar out of your system in that dependence those Cravings in.
Tell me what it is if I could focus better until I can understand things better I didn't take me as long to comprehend.
How much is Kandi Burruss I can understand.
I'm it might as well about 2 to 3 weeks and mine I honestly was so bad that I have been going to the doctor for years telling him I felt like a medicine and.
Because I need to make different and I was distinctly remember that sitting at my Island I set there and I thought.
I don't remember feeling that way it's like I was trying to like backtrack it and remember the last time that I felt bad and it does go along with that two to three weeks time frame of garbage out of your system.

[19:19] In your research sounds like as opposed to producing research I know I've heard before ketosis.
Nutritional ketosis is not for everyone sounds like it was good for your guyses body types page is there anything online or anything you come across that you concerned her.

[19:39] Momiji want to steer clear of the door.
I'm at the only thing I ever had concerns about with the electrolyte honestly it is very common with eating this way that your body flushes your electrolytes.
And nobody actually something the way it was intended to store all of that water,
so I just had to relearn how to do that I supplement with magnesium every day I have to myself a lot that was another hard thing for me to.
Bad every time and then I eat potassium rich foods or try to go on a low-salt diet.

[20:21] My doctor put me on that for blood pressure has the worst world this would be way easier than no salt diet and I was for you I read something about life images.
Michael came out of country band concerns on like adrenal adrenal fatigue or anything like that and some stuff.
Ashley J actually this way of eating actually it was a lot of that there are some reports out there but I can find you a new record can tell you anything ever bad because if you look hard enough.
But they're in there is three good studies that have been done there are doctors from Duke from.
John Hopkins University I mean that I get that exact thing actually improve your real function it also.
Improved the fatigue and you need it snake well drink at your magic.
So I guess my concern on that point is very active at the gym and I think that I've read stuff I don't know maybe we'll talk later about.
The doubt maybe something sweet in deep deep deep Funk me but I am personally concerned about my activity level and how many carbs I need in to try to make sure my thyroid isn't impacted by a bee.

[21:56] To act if that's a possibility I'm on this particular diet so.

[22:01] Let me personally so it sounds like a fantastic thing I hear a lot about is the term carb flu you kind of mentioned it maybe both of you about,
along the lines of the middle Clarity but is there anything that went along with that besides mental Clarity that so can I meet you cause flu symptoms are.
Orleans small Clarity rain I don't know that I went through what they describe is carplay on.
But I thought I read I mean I've heard of numerous people going through it but I don't remember feeling those flu like symptoms so I think I was fortunate in that respect.
So what did you fix plane what it is show flu is because your body is actually deleting electrolytes.
Sweet salt.
So if you did decide to do this my first recommendation would be to up your salt immediately and when you do that you do not experience with keto flu.

[23:13] Chicken broth with pickle juice.

[23:22] The front like shut off right now so please on the phone and the recommendation was chicken broth that you make your own bone broth.

[23:34] WQ
There's any other tickets to any other supplementation I heard what you said he do IG magnesium magnesium so extra salt in the other school edition your son.
I do cheat a little I use that insta ketones yeah,
you're now my Target in Dodges ketones which which one see which sea would you try.
And that's okay so for those you guys don't know can you explain a little bit of a what if I just keep doing it it helps you get to the heater.
I just think it in the morning I start my breakfast time I call Bull to a couple of coffee but it's not.

[24:25] Butter in the oil on my coffee then I treat it as my phone she's the morning that's your only alternative all right.

[24:36] Dickerson Houston city council about 5 or so different products there's ketosis there's a cheap tow 860.
It's about if you just if you just Google generic is calling zig zag Aniston's there's about 5 or 6 different products on the market.
Ketone OS is probably the most common but it's icy it's a little bit more of a multi-level marketing but the concept is is a.
You would get your body into ketosis faster but having that in them I will all go ahead in early too.
Text Wikipedia's got a really good write-up on weddings ocean of ketones are so I can put that in the conscience because this is.
Closest thing we have to a podcast.
So we talked about tricks went through which pick on each one of you mind telling me what you get when you go out to eat we talked about going out to eat a little bit but let's see you go to a fast food restaurant that to me I got to be very complicated.
To me it is not just order everything that I've done everything but everything about the big one of the real thing so I mean I've been there to Culver's.
I get the double bacon everything without the bun and a side salad ranch dressing show.
Okay not as difficult as what you would think it would be.

[26:11] After me honestly I do not doubt that frequently and the only place that I have affected with the Hardee's and Five Guys.
And Hardee's makes a low carb Burger I get it without ketchup or it will I get a friend because you get the monster that I just order the regular low carb or just a regular logo.
All right so you said in reese research cousin haven't too many concerns but.
Is there anything that you've now that you've done it for a while that you would give advice wiser to look out for we kind of talked about the low electrolytes.
Having actress exercise right away but eating more on the it doesn't have to be nutritional level or anything else.
Hey umm when I was in my first 30 days I didn't exercise for the first.
Tire 30 day. Just wanted to get my mind right around the food sensitivity training I'm just not good enough for that.
Find creekfest even without the exercise but once I started that Voyager.
I dropped again so don't think you have to rush out and start a whole new workout plan everything does not have to be perfect from the very beginning.
Take your time learn it be comfortable with it.
Um no I think I think everybody enjoy it because you know I missed she needs and I missed you know the sour cream and all that now.

[27:48] Hey I like I said you don't have to be perfect I struggle to find low sugar ketchup.
No sugar added so sometimes you have to just make that yourself but if you don't have the time and you just use a little bit.

[28:04] I can be the end-all-be-all of Homeland yeah exactly I used to I just think if it's not exactly 100%.
A startling you know it in application got to get out of that mindset if you're going to.
A meter so you can see how far they use at the think about the fact that I might move a little bit to one side but I'm not saying those ranges like to get to that point eventually but I think for myself if I get.

[28:36] Measuring the three Minor Details I can do that myself for some people that's good thinking they need that monitoring but.
I'm afraid that I'll cause myself more problems maybe she would like that but you know it's been really good.

[28:56] Veggie chips.
Ashley in the beginning don't try to do all the fancy recipes that you find don't buy all the expensive flowers I do now but again I'm into this year so.
But like any said everybody has to figure out where they fit into it and for me I have to be that's true.
So is it I look at every single labels and I couldn't be getting that I see my very few process things.
But if I do buy something that is pre-made I look at every single label if there is something in there that I don't think I should be eating I do not purchase it.
I do sweat the small stuff and that's just because that's my personality anyways until 3 now it said that's how I function but it.
Leader 63 different names for sugar so you know if she 363 I know there may be more.
I do look at everything and I have.
I have gone through and found this thing so if you want to know a really good spaghetti sauce has gotten for you.
The fridge you might talk a little bit about that cuz I know fruit is a sticky subject.
So this was another hard thing for most people it wasn't for me it was another Big Cedar anyway my husband hates fruit so but.

[30:31] Fruit is very limited time only varies because they are the lowest on the glycemic index and there.
Wheeler sugar obviously.
Army guy I coach several people through this and I'd I recommend that they do not eat fruit until they are well.
Sugar itself in the fridge triggers things in your brain that cause you to Crave other sugars so until you become very used to eating this way I just.
Breakfast people stay away from you.
Use the term glycemic index I know what that is but he comes give your own short take on that shares glycemic index is a.
Scientific list of.
How your body reacts I'm at your insulin sorry how your insulin response to different foods that you eat the lower.
Number the better it is really spotty if it doesn't react as much.

[31:40] No you'll see it online sometimes called glycemic load Facebook because you're changing.

[31:46] I said I went over everything that I'm afraid to take questions from the audience then try this more suspicions are in the Mist.
Am I really just want to touch you touch ketoacidosis vs. ketosis.
People who are not type 1 diabetic and I miss the beat.
Important thing here there are very very few cases that somebody was not one who has ever been to ketosis.
What is a dangerous place to be in is deadly but what ketosis is is actually where you do not,
can you produce insulin and you also have a high level of ketones,
in ketosis in someone's life there are a few illnesses that can cause that but it is extremely rare,
diet is not unhealthy it will not but you into ketosis.

[32:50] Alright so I know a couple questions as we went along but it has been anything we could touch that you like more information about or anything before.

[33:01] The questions are supposed to jump at your shares six excitement.
No I just want to go out to you so I'm going to come to you so alright let us know which question is.

[33:16] I'm I'm sure you have you had your cholesterol tested since that diet but impacted.
I have not but I didn't have a problem with it initially that was I mean.
On my blood test and everything before I came back in so I didn't follow up with another one but I don't know.
I do have mine custody everything but I have never had an issue my husband on the other hand started out with are triglycerides at 364.
He just got his number because I'm 36 does improve your cholesterol numbers.

[34:01] They talk about the percentages of protein fats and carbs are the Backstreet the name of it but.

[34:09] I was in ketosis or trying to get in ketosis going and why.

[34:15] There's something about your body turning protein into sugar but much protein cause I change.

[34:25] Yeah I've heard that I've heard that same thing if you need to stay between what is that 1 and 1.5 grams.
A protein per pound of body fat is what I've been reading them they might have those if you hit the 1 and go into 1.5.
Anything over such as just kind of cuz I have looked into this so I can tell you that your body will burn carbs is in.
Sugar after that it will take protein if you don't show weightlifter or you're trying to build muscle you will use those as the building blocks for muscle but after that your body does it's like a 30% conversion rate but it will make.
It will make because he same thing ketones out of that so if you have a large amount of protein and that is one of them is that ketosis.
Is a high protein protein diet and that is not the case it's a high-fat diets was excellent question you may also think one more hand.
I just looked glaringly or pressure you into it.

[35:29] Alright we got one little section of the end all mine is the sky excusable for vegetarians.

[35:38] It is I know a few people it is a little bit more challenging obviously because of the protein but it is doable.

[35:49] So it is a challenging but I buy protein elaboration on that because of the types of protein they have to have Friday cuz I mean obviously I get my protein from meat.
On the other message,
the most protein in a vegetarian would have would have a higher amount of carbs attached to it so that would be like things in the.
Lagoon families to buy that has protein but also has a large amount of carbs to have to find a food that would be a good show.

[36:24] Question the boxes so we can go and thrown out there as we go,
message, section she mentioned the protein I was as one of the mess I had on my list we mention Ketone acidosis.
So just to recap on those two Ketone acidosis would be a risk your type 1 diabetic.
I'm not sure leave the most healthy people have to be concerned with and we talked about the.
Macronutrient ratio split so harping back to the one the first 3 or 4 slides not having a large amount of your micronutrients coming from the protein.
So what about the whole cards for central air building block of you know all that.
Is the biggest mess with or without their first of all your body has to have ADD or it will die,
your body has to have proteins or apple. Your body does not have carbohydrates in any form ever there is not a single illness that you can,
have that is caused from lack of carbohydrates and fat kid hugging interviewer like research.
Missing some of that mental piece of that is because your brain is actually was a blood percentage of your brain is actually fat and fat as well actually get to cross the blood-brain barrier.
Any research on that exam I have to every organ in your body can.

[38:03] There is one piece of your brain that can does he come in order to function but your body is a.
And it creates its own glucose for that piece of your brain to function.

[38:18] I love where your head's at if you could explain that to around the types of fuel sources of carbs to be that.
Fuel source you burn like really quick what would you all the other ones like that.
You're going to try to explain that to.
You touched on it a little bit to the body will take specific things in order because it's easier for you to be so your simple carbohydrates are the first thing that eases your complex protein would come next.
Obviously it's what you do is what your perfume and all of those things actually,
which is a sugar when she late.
How many exits your body is running on the ketones which is another word for fight,
that is the last thing that he uses that against body switches over from the sugar and it burns bad it doesn't necessarily have to only burn the fat.
It does but it also uses for fat.

[39:39] I'm in one more if you don't mind is strong we talked about cluster all we can spend that it wasn't as bad as it once was you might be bunking that one for me.
So you don't eat it don't.
Private deleted.
The actual thing that causes your cholesterol to rise and the harm that it doesn't your body is actually insulin,
you have inflammation in your body,
cholesterol attic try to repair it and when it does that,
some of them gets underneath of them that you can actually causes that hard sticky plaque and that's what causes your veins to start.
And cause you to start having your high blood pressure and your heart disease but it is not caused by cholesterol is actually, Charles trying to keep it plugged up.
Fix this question kind of duck duck tales ever talk about right now and in that is that all or nothing diet because, what you're talking about.
Process of billion plus everything kind of makes it sound to me like well if I.
Dad did the ketosis diet thing in the morning but then it for supper I cash the whole pizza.

[41:13] Sounds like then I would have to turn around.
You know those two things colliding so is it an older nothing it is it is if you can bind the two it is a recipe for disaster it is that is the worst thing that anyone could ever buy cars in Haifa.
Well I mean is in again I coach a lot of people and a lot of people don't want to do that you can't I just like you know about on the weekend we can do anything but eating eating this way.
Is a recipe for disaster if you're going to combine it with the standard American diet.
Perfect I really wanted to make sure we know that point home because I think sometimes you start hearing about you know well you know this supplement of this Sons going to have a little and add it to my current died I just really want to make sure we realized.
The negative things about cholesterol is is is is rooted in reality but it's the high process.
Did the combination of those they could come lay it out there so.
The one on the show Mike talk to a snob but muscle muscle breakdown so I'm a,
yeah I'm at work out a lot if I don't have protein in this me a 1.5 going back to the question on the 1.5 you know will I waste away to nothing.
I can tell you if you just Google there are plenty of bodybuilders.

[42:50] The Bible is the people have the most muscle of all play all of us to do ketosis and gain muscle just fine the only supplemental that I would mention is that some of them decided to take branched chain amino acid.
Going back to the protein, she's sick.
You take my cigarettes up just for everyone I'm on the phone or in the room a branched chain amino acid is one of the building blocks of protein.
And it would be it would be what your protein up broke down into.
So taking a branched amino acid or a Eastwood field when you see a central amino acids either one of those are some of the building blocks of protein and they will not be ready.
To an insulin Spike pictures of me as good as it's really.

[43:41] No problem no problem so if you are going to be in a state where you're trying to be like Anna like a bodybuilding like where you want to build muscle.

[43:52] And you're concerned about consuming too much protein you can take it's called a branched chain amino acid.
Different of a big tree and I will.
I should have been a note someone knows I have to take on top of something out there bring female asses a very common they're sold everywhere,
any Jim sells on the Shelf supplements at all but you can pick him up a Walmart in there across the board.
There's there's no real quality difference between them.
Open Heart of their ingredient list you might find sucralose which is still considered a false sugar.
Very very good points some of those are actually Sugar drinks that are part of a pre-workout and or suggest a very good point very good point calories and all that sucralose.
Very good point let me see there's no fillers in there it was there no question and I thought so somebody is right there okay so.
That's coming it in the presentation as if there's no more questions I will go ahead and I think turnovers as well for snack time.

[45:07] So I am.